
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Cold war and its impact on the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cold war and its impact on the world - Essay Example Thesis statement: The evaluation of the Cold War proves that the polarization of the world nations into two distinct blocs under the United States and the Soviet Union, its political and economic dissimilarities, influence of capitalism and communism, in the years following World War two led to the Cold War, and these events developed into a Cold War because the real fight was ideological, between capitalism and communism. In the years following the WWII, the political context of the East (say, in Soviet Union and China) was totally under the control of communist ideology. For instance, Soviet Union and China embraced communism as the official political ideology. On the other side, United States was not affected by WWII and was trying to prove the same in the global context. Besides, most of the European nations were badly affected by the after-effects of WWII. This political circumstance deeply influenced the polarization of East under Soviet Union and china, and West under the United States, which eventually led to the Cold War. David S. Painter stated that â€Å"The Cold War shaped the foreign policies of the United States and the Soviet Union and deeply affected their societies and their political, economic, and military institutions† (1). Unlike the European nations, United States faced less economic problems after the WWII. This helped the United States to gain importance and priority in the international context as a superpower. On the other side, the Soviet Union and China were trying to prove that the WWII did not affect their economic backbones. James E. Cronin made clear that â€Å"The cost of adapting to the realities of the cold War was at least as great, if not greater, for the Soviet Union† (4). Within this context, the economic dissimilarities among the West and the East deeply influenced the polarization in the years following WWII. On the other side, one cannot neglect the influence of capitalism and communism which

Monday, October 28, 2019

Health drinks Essay Example for Free

Health drinks Essay In India Consumers behavior towards purchase of food drink products like beverage are changing due to economic and personal factors. Once if we compare last five years the prices of beverage products, it could be noted that there is an increase. The major reasons for the increase in the sales of food drinks are due to the increased consumption level among the customers. On an average an individual would consume these products two to three times in a day. Moreover, the prices were also designed in such a manner by the manufacturers making it possible so that every consumer from different segment based on their demographic and geographical patterns could be able to make the purchase. In effect it influences the consumers at large to opt for non-branded and cheap products that are available in the marketplace. This work was undertaken with an object to identify the pattern of purchase by the consumers, factors that dominate and influence the consumers to purchase the products and lastly the impact of demographic factors on the purchase of health food drinks consumption in the study area. The study clearly shows that demographic factors like gender, place of purchase are largely influence the consumers while they purchase beverage products in the shops. Clanging consumerism is the biggest factor that plays a major role as for as consumers purchase behavior is concern. KEYWORDS Health Food and Soft Drinks, Demographic Factors, Purchase, Beverages, Consumer Behaviour, Corporate, Leverage, Consumerism, Consumption. INTRODUCTION Changing consumer behaviour is the biggest challenge for any corporate beverage companies especially for companies like Tata, ITC etc. This is mainly due factors that influence the consumers while purchasing beverage products. For instance, factors such as offers, discount etc. , often increase the purchase. Health food drink products like beverages (hot and cold) are major items that consumer purchase as they consume beverage products not less than two to three times a day. According to the consumers demographic factors like Gender, Age, Educational Status, Marital Status, Occupation, Domicile, and Shopping Destinations often influence consumers while purchasing health food drink products. SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study aims to find the customer preferences towards health food drink products. It has been carried out for period of 2 months focusing all type of consumers. It was restricted to information regarding the demographic profile of the consumers and questions regarding four P’s of marketing tools. OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH To understand the overall purchase pattern of the beverages by the consumers. To identify the level of influence various factor dominate the consumers. To have an insight about prepurchase behavior of consumers. To understand the impact of demographic factors of consumers upon purchase beverage products. RESEARCH DESIGN A Research design is process of collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economic aspect involved in mind. A Research is purely and simply the framework and a plan for the study that guides the collection and analysis of data. It is a blue print followed in completing a study which contains the steps as: Research is an art of scientific investigation. Research is a process of systemic study. Research is a search of knowledge. Research is an area of investigation which includes collection, analysis and interpretation of data. Research has to proceed systematically in the already planned direction with the help of a number of steps in sequence. To make the research systemized the researcher has to adopt certain methods. The method adopted by the researcher for completing the project is called Research Methodology. DATA COLLECTION METHODOLOGY AND Data refers to information or facts. It is not only refers numerical figures but also include descriptive facts. The method of data collection includes two types for the study, such as primary data and secondary data. PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION METHOD The primary was collected with the help of a structured questionnaire directly from consumers through personal interview. The questionnaire contains questions that suit the objectives of the study. The questions will help to draw the information A Study On Consumers Buying Habits Towards Health Food Drink Products In Salem District Tamilnadu Mr. P. Arun relating to purchase pattern of beverage products by the consumers. The Primary data was collected with a set of specific objective to assess the current status of variables considered for the study. Primary data is useful and applicable only for a specific time. and previous reports, magazines, sales vouchers etc. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION MULTI-DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION ANALYSIS METHODS OF PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION The performance of buying behaviour varies by the different stages of influence. In the study area out of 106 respondents divided into two groups, one is low level of influencer and high level of influencer. For the purpose of the study 7 variables were selected. Although there are several methods are being used for collecting primary data, questionnaire and interview methods has been employed in this study. SECONDARY DATA Gender Age Educational Status Marital Status Occupation Living Place Place of Shopping It was used mainly to support the primary data. Secondary data was collected from sources such as through books, annual reports, significant, available literatures from organization TABLE No. 1 SUMMARY TABLE BETWEEN LOW INFLUENCER AND HIGH INFLUENCER GROUPS STEP 1. 2. VARIABLE ENTERED Gender Place of purchase WILK’S LAMBDA 0. 955 0. 909 MINIMUM D2 SIGNIFICANCE 0. 222 0. 471 ** * *. Significant at 1% level, ** Significant at 5% level, TABLE No. 2. CANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION CANONICAL CORRELATION 0. 302 WILKS LAMBDA 0. 909 The canonical correlation is 0. 302 when squared is 0. 091 that is 9. 1% of the variance in the discriminant group can be accounted for by this model, Wilk’s Lambda and chi-square value suggest that D. F. is significant at 1% level. The variables given above are CHISQUARE 9. 711 D. F. SIG 2 Significant at 1% level identified finally by the D. F. A. as the eligible discriminating variables. Based on the selected variables the corresponding D. F. coefficients are calculated. They are given in the following table. TABLE NO. 3: DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION COEFFICIENTS Namex International Journal of Management Research 33 Vol. 2, Issue No. 2, July – December 2012. A Study On Consumers Buying Habits Towards Health Food Drink Products In Salem District Tamilnadu Mr. P. Arun. VARIABLES COEFFICIENTS 1. 812 0. 777 4. 635 Gender Place of Purchase Constant The equation is: Z = 4. 635+ 1. 812 (Gender) + 0. 777 (Place of purchase) The discriminating power or the contribution of each variable to the function can sufficiently. For this consider the following table. TABLE No. 4- RELATIVE DISCRIMINATING INDEX FACTORS Gender Place of Purchase GROUP 1 MEAN X1 1. 58 2. 90 GROUP2 MEAN X2 UNSTANDARDIZED DIC. COEFF. (kj) 1. 35 2. 55 1. 812 0. 777 Ij = ABS (Kj) MEAN (Xjo – x ji) 1. 24 0. 29 1. 53 Total Rj = Ij / sum Ij j*100 81. 0 19. 0 100. 0 This reclassification is called predictor group membership. In short, the efficiency of the D. F. is how correctly it predicts the respondents into respective groups. TABLE NO. 5 – CLASSIFICATION RESULTS PREDICTED GROUP MEMBERSHIP ACTUAL GROUP No. OF CASES GROUP I Group 1 (Low Influencer) Group 2 (High Influencer) 20 (64. 5%) 31 (41. 9%) 31 74 GROUP II 11 (35. 5%) 43 (58. 1%) Percent of grouped cases correctly classified: 60. 0%. The above table gives the results of the reclassification. The function, using the variables selected in the analysis classified 60. 0% of the cases correctly in the respective groups. low and high influencer. The following factors significantly discriminate the two influencer groups. They are: Gender (at 5% level) Place of purchase (at 1% level) Discriminate function analysis was applied to the respondents based on the TABLE NO. 6: DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF RESPONDENTS (N=106) ITEM GENDER Male Female MARITAL STATUS Single Married NUMBER Namex International Journal of Management Research PERCENTAGE 61 45 58. 00 42. 00 21 84 19. 88 79. 25 34 Vol. 2, Issue No. 2, July – December 2012. A Study On Consumers Buying Habits Towards Health Food Drink Products In Salem District Tamilnadu Mr. P. Arun Widow EDUCATIONAL STATUS Elementary School High School Graduate Post Graduate Doctoral Degree OCCUPATION Professional Worker Business Retired Staff House Wife PLACE Salem Omalur Mecheri Mettur Dam Kolathur The Present study is related to consumers behaviour on health food drinks in Salem area. In the constituted sample size of 106 respondents it was found there were 61. 33% professionals, 04. 71% workers, 30. 18% businessmen, 0. 94% retired staff and 02. 83% house wife. The distributions of consumers were found to be from locations such as Salem, Omalur, Mecheri, Mettur Dam and Kolathur. From the above table it could be seen that 34. 91 % of consumers were from Kolathur, 31. 33% of consumers were from Mettur 01 0. 94 09 12 23 55 04 08. 49 11. 33 21. 69 51. 89 03. 78 65 05 32 01 03 61. 33 04. 71 30. 18 0. 94 02. 83 25 01 10 33 37 23. 59 09. 44 09. 44 31. 33 34. 91 doctoral. With respect to the occupation of the respondents was concerned, 61. 33% were professional, 30. 18 were business person and remaining 6% were worker, retired staff and house wives. STATISTICAL TOOLS APPLIED The primary data collected through interview schedule from 106 respondents. The statistical tool applied is multi discriminant analyses were used for this study. FINDINGS Dam, 23. 59% of consumers were from Salem City, 9. 44% of consumers were from Mecheri and the remaining 0. 94% of consumers were from Omalur. The gender distributions of consumers in the study, it is noted 58% of the respondents were male and the remaining 42% were female. As for as education qualification of the consumer was concerned, there were 51. 89% post graduate, 21. 69% graduate, 11. 33% high school level, 8. 49% elementary school level and the remaining 3. 78% Namex International Journal of Management Research The study shows the following findings. It’s clearly shows that the below gender and place were significantly differed: Gender (at 5% level) Place of purchase (at 1% level) CONCLUSION The study clearly shows that demographic factors like gender, place 35 Vol. 2, Issue No. 2, July – December 2012. A Study On Consumers Buying Habits Towards Health Food Drink Products In Salem District Tamilnadu Mr. P. Arun of purchase are largely influence the consumers while they purchase beverage products in the shops. Clanging consumerism is the biggest factor that plays a major role as for as consumers purchase behavior is concern. REFERENCES Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Curtin LR, McDowell MA, Tabak CJ, Flegal KM. Prevalence Of Overweight. And Obesity In The United States, 1999–2004. JAMA. 2006; 295(13):1549–1555. [PubMed] The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity 2001. Rockville, MD: Office of the Surgeon General, Public Health Service, US Dept of Health and Human Services; 2001. Flegal KM, Graubard BI, Williamson DF, Gail MH. Excess deaths associated with underweight, overweight, and obesity. JAMA. 2005; 293(15):1861–1867. [PubMed]. Mokdad AH, Marks JS, Stroup DF, Gerberding JL. Actual causes of death in the United States, 2000. JAMA. 2004; 291(10):1238–1245. [PubMed]. Hedley AA, Ogden CL, Johnson CI, Carroll MD, Curtin LR, Flegal KM. Prevalence of overweight and obesity among US children, adolescents, and adults, 1999– 2002. JAMA. 2004; 291(23):2847–2850. [PubMed]. National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality. Expert Committee recommendations on assessment, prevention, and treatment of child and adolescent overweight and obesity 2007. [Accessed January 27, 2008]. http://www. amaassn. org/ama1/pub/upload/mm/43 3/ped_obesity_recs. pdf. Johnston FE. Health implications of childhood obesity. Ann Intern Med. 1985; 103(6, pt 2):1068– 1072. [PubMed]. Namex International Journal of Management Research Serdula MK, Iver D, Coates RJ, Freedman DS, Williamson DF, Byers T. Do Obese Children Become Obese Adults? A review of the literature. Prev Med. 1993; 22(2):167–177. [PubMed]. Flegal KM, Carroll MD, Kuczmarski RJ, Johnson CL. Overweight And Obesity In The United States: Prevalence And Trends, 1960– 1994. Int. J. Obes. Relat Metab Disord. 1998; 22(1):39–47. [PubMed]. Sellers K, Russo T, Baker I, Dennison B. The Role Of Childcare Providers In The Prevention Of Childhood Overweight. J Early Child Res. 2005; 3(3):227–242. WEBSIGHTS www. yahoo. com. www. google. com. www. hul. co. in. 36 Vol. 2, Issue No. 2, July – December 2012.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Affect of Changing the Concentration on the Rate of Reaction :: Collision Theory Reaction Rates Essays

The Affect of Changing the Concentration on the Rate of Reaction To find out the affect of changing the concentration on the rate of reaction Scientific background Collision theory: Collision theory explains how chemical reactions occur and why rates of reaction differ. For a reaction to occur, particles must collide. If the collision causes a chemical change it is referred to as a fruitful collision and it's a Theory that explains how chemical reactions take place and why rates of reaction change? For a reaction to occur the reactant particles must collide. Only a certain fraction of the total collisions cause chemical change these are called fruitful collisions. The fruitful collisions have enough energy (activation energy) at the moment of impact to break the existing bonds and form new bonds, resulting in the products of the reaction. Increasing the concentration of the reactants and raising the temperature bring about more collisions and therefore more fruitful collisions, increasing the rate of reaction. Rate of reaction: amount of a substance that takes part in a chemical reaction in a given time, and its also Finding out how quickly reactions take place and understanding why they happen at the rate they did. Molecules: Molecules are compounds made up of atoms. Movement: is how the reaction occurs Activation Energy: the minimum energy in the reaction. Prediction: What I predict to happen in my experiment is that when I add 10 cm3 of Hydrochloric acid into the flask with the sodium Thiosulphate of 50cm3 then I hypothesise that the cross will disappear a lot faster than when I add less amount of Hydrochloric acid. Hypothesis: I predict is that when I use high concentration of Na2S2o3 the rate of reaction would be very fast and the cross is going to disappear more rapidly and when the solution is more diluted by adding more (water) so the reaction will slow down much slower and it will take more time for the cross to disappear. I think this will happen because by adding more water in it will produce more particles in the concentrated solution so because of this there will be more collisions and it will slow down the reaction. Apparatus: In order to do any type of experiment, you need equipment. The equipment I will use is: Measuring Cylinder Small measuring cylinder Flask 2 beakers Paper marked with a big cross in the middle. Stops watch (Timer). Method: - Firstly we got the equipments listed above - Then we set it up the equipment as shown above. - We got a piece of paper and drew a big cross on it. - Then using a conical flask and 100ml beakers and a 250ml beaker we

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The World Trade Organization Essay -- International Monetary Fund

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) is today seen as one of the pillars of international trade and financial systems of the world alongside the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, despite being only sixteen years old. With what began as the succession to the previous guidelines and rules set out by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade back in 1948, it is now seen as the ‘main unifying force of world trade today’ a key player in both the conduct of trade relations and global governance. (Herman, 1999) Today, as the world’s economy and its nations continue to change and grow together with the global business environment itself, the WTO has faced new challenges and perhaps its biggest challenges to date which question the relevance and future of the WTO. The essay will address such concepts through the analysis of the WTO’s main role, the importance and successes of the WTO to date, the challenges it currently faces and a look towards its pote ntial relevance in the future of world trade. The discussion will be aided through the use of published data, literature, online sources and journals. (WTO, Trading into the future 2011) Beginning with only 23 members, the WTO currently stands at 153 members representing a total of 97% of all world trade although this is set to increase following Russia’s accession into the WTO. This statistic details the importance of the WTO as the only international body that deals with the rules of trade between nations. (Hamilton, Webster 2009) The WTO was created as the previous system the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), needed an institutional and stronger framework to allow them to drive forward policies and advice. The WTO’s overriding principle is to help free trade,... ...ineffective with the growing number and diversity of members. Suggestions to overcome the problem include ‘Critical-Mass’ thinking and the creation of smaller groups of members based on similar trading characteristics may improve the system. In light of the recent financial crisis the role of the WTO is critical, in which its positive impact on world trade to date may become forgotten in light of recent criticisms. The WTO needs correct leadership to overcome the challenges today, to maintain its future survival and ensure it continues to be of success and further improve world trade. If change is not implemented successfully, the great negotiation forum it once was it will instead result in a forum in which the great members will struggle to compromise on trade issues thus harming the WTO’s main purpose which is to encourage the growth of world trade.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Human motivation Essay

In studying human motivation, one of the key concepts includes the notion of needs and drives which may be the spring boards of actions or behavior. In line with these, efforts were exerted to look into the possible link of control of one’s impulsivity and certain critical behaviors that may affect any individual undertaking, his normal development through life’s stages, and possibilities of disorders or problems with the person’s overall functioning (Baumeister et al. ; Mischel et al, 1989). There is an offshoot of these studies (Hom and Knight, 1996) which highlights delayed gratification and the advantages of individuals who understand either by training or by serendipitous circumstances the rationality of their choices. Delaying the gratification of certain desires at the present entails certain calculations of the possible effects of these options at a certain point in the future. It involves the understanding of â€Å"profiting† from what the self is deprived of at the present to secure a better output or outcome in the near future. According to studies, a person who has been reared to control many of the urges to satisfy immediate needs or wants, may reap immense benefits in terms of significant life choices; choices that spell longevity (living physically healthy), prospect of better income, and healthier relationships. There are various reasons offered why this is so, but more often, the results of these choices to delay gratification oftentimes reveal the benefits; otherwise, when immediate satisfaction is allowed in most cases, the awareness of detrimental effects becomes a stark reality. The issue pertains to persistence, control, character development, cementing of values that enables a person to become an asset rather than become a liability to one’s community. Implications of a person’s ability to delay his or her immediate gratification (because of the prospect of more favorable results later) include responsibility over his/her actions and decisions and thereby increasing awareness of consequences including those which not only impact his/her own survival but also the effects of his/her decisions and actions to the people around (Mischel et al, 1989). References: 1. Baumeister, Roy, Brandon Schmeichel,Kathleen Vohs. Self-regulation and the Executive function: The Self as controlling agent. Accessed October 13, 2008 http://72. 14. 235. 104/search? q=cache:qpSCcMZijV0J:www. csom. umn. edu/assets/71708. pdf+Explain+the+value+and+importance+of+delayed+gratification+in+human+motivation&hl=tl&ct=clnk&cd=46&gl=ph 2. Hom, Harry, Jr. Heather Knight, 1996. Delay of Gratification: Mothers’ Predictions about Four Attentional Techniques; Journal of Genetic Psychology, Vol. 157. 3. Mischel, W. , Shoda, Y. & Rodriguez, M. L. 1989. Delay of gratification in children. Science, 244, 933-938.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cats And Dogs Essays - Cat, Animal Communication, Dog, Dog Anatomy

Cats And Dogs Essays - Cat, Animal Communication, Dog, Dog Anatomy Cats And Dogs Erwin Malicsi English 51 Dogs and Cats I am going to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between dogs and cats. The similarities are innumerable, yet this holds true with the differences as well. First, we shall discuss the similarities that these two creatures share. One of the most obvious similarities between these two animals is that they both have hair. They are also domesticated animals kept as pets. They require love and affection from their owner, and can show love and affection If you show it towards them. Another thing is that when you pet them, not only does it relieve stress, it gets dog or cat hair everywhere. They both give birth to multiple offspring at one time, which must be very hard on the mother. Now that I am finished with my explanation of the similarities between dogs and cats, I will now discuss with you the differences between these two majestic animals. One of the main differences is that of their species. The cats belong to the family of felines. Dogs, on the other hand, are canines. Another difference is that dogs are pack animals, which means you should spend lots of time with your dog so that it doesnt get lonely. Cats are loners, meaning they can spend alot of time alone without getting lonely. Another big difference is the sounds that they make. A dog goes woof, bark, growl, or howl. A cat, on the other hand, goes meow and purr. The canine group also has a peticular social status, and how they determine their ranks.Cats dont have any.The determining factor in dogs is the tail. When a cat holds its tail up, it means it is happy, but in dogs, how high they hold their tail is how they determine ranks. If one dog meets another dog, and one holds it's tail up, it is the one of the higher social class. Another difference is that cats are nocturnal, meaning they go out at night. Dogs, however, are day animals. Another very obvious difference between dogs and cats is that dogs are usually bigger than cats. Cats are usually scared of dogs, and the dogs usually chase the cats. Dogs are also somewhat smarter than cats in the area of verbal command. For example, you can call your dog by name and usually it will come to you, unlike a cat. Also, you can train dogs to do tricks when commanded. Some of the most commonly seen tricks in dogs are role over, fetch, shake hands, sit down, lay down, and play dead. I have never seen a cat do any of these things, and I doubt that I ever will get an opportunity to see a cat perform even one of these tricks. Another difference in claws is that a cats claws are retractable, while dogs arent. For example, when my dog Busta was a little puppy, its claws were sharp, but since they are not retractable, they were ground down so they arent sharp any more. A cat, on the other hand, is born with sharp claws, but they are kept inside until they are needed, there by making it so they dont get dull by just walking, like dogs claws do. And finally, they both have tongues, a cats tongue has little barbs, or hooks, that are used to get every last bit of meat off of a bone. So a cat can just lick a bone, and the meat will come off. A dog doesnt have barbs on its tongue, a dog uses its tongue to sweat. Have youever wondered why on a hot summer day a dog usually has its tongue hanging out? Well the reason is that it is just sweating. Those are the differences and similarities in dogs and cats.

Monday, October 21, 2019

MCS Essay

MCS Essay MCS Essay Using Greg Philo’s article ‘Children and Film/Video/TV Violence’ (1999) and other work of the Glasgow Media Group, explore how these researchers set out to prove that media representations have clear and measurable effects on audiences. In other words what are the methods they use to prove their hypothesis? This essay will explore the different opinions and debates that various researchers have accounted on the effects of extensive violent media exposure and how it is changing the ways in which society functions today. It is crucial to consider that, â€Å"whether people’s actions appear rational or reasonable will depend very much upon how the world in which the actions are occurring is portrayed and understood.† Eldridge (1995: 295) This applies greatly to children and adolescents as the media content in which they are exposed to can influence their ideas on what behaviours are socially acceptable or unwelcome. By looking at work from the Glasgow Media Group, and other researchers that challenge their theories, this essay will set out to analyse the various opinions on violent media content and the social effects that they are believed to have. The professional and academic team of researchers that form the Glasgow Media Group have accounted a variety of different effects that the media has on individuals through extensive methodologies such as case studies. Some focus around the news media genre and the influences that their reports have on audiences’ opinions regarding political issues, whilst others touch on the reasoning behind the decline of the British economy. However broad the issues, the main aim of the Glasgow Media Group is to understand how people perceive the world of the media and how they channel this into their perception of reality. Throughout their works, the group focus predominantly on two forms of research, textual analysis and audience analysis, allowing for a well-rounded unbiased account of information in order to prove credibility to their hypotheses. In this case, the main topic of interest is the increasing appeal that violent imagery has on the youth today. The portrayal of violence in the media has caused great concerns over aggressive behaviours and copycat crimes that have been inspired by the increasing exposure of violent imagery through various media forms. Using a variety of different methods such as surveys and questionnaires, the Glasgow Media Group examined children’s behaviour changes through extensive media exposure and additionally, recorded the teachers’ and parents’ observations to the children’s behaviour patterns. The main aim of the article, ‘Children and Film/Video/TV Violence,’ is to research the links between media violence and the increasing appeal that it has on the youth today. In order to do so, the Glasgow Media Group considered the three key environments where young people develop and exchange ideas, these being, their home, school and social circles. By basing their research within these surroundings, the media group are more likely to receive honest responses’ as the children will feel comfortable within these familiar environments. With the aid of organisations such as the Parenting Educational Support and the Professional Association of Teachers (PAT), the group were able to collect extensive research on children (with no particular violent background) that had been exposed to violent media content. Their behaviour patterns were observed by the teachers over extensive periods of time and recorded. The teachers accounted that children devote a considerable amount of time to television and video games containing violent imagery and when questioned, hundreds agreed that this posed harmful in the development of their vulnerable and easily influenceable minds. The outcome being, that young peoples responsiveness to violence is glorified if it is portrayed in a ‘cool’ way. Therefor, causing children to â€Å"recall the violent [imagery] with enthusiasm and enjoyment.†

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Battle of Brandy Station in the Civil War

Battle of Brandy Station in the Civil War Battle of Brandy Station - Conflict Date: The Battle of Brandy Station was fought June 9, 1863, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders Union Major General Alfred Pleasonton11,000 men Confederate Major General J.E.B. Stuart9,500 men Battle of Brandy Station - Background: In the wake of his stunning victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Confederate General Robert E. Lee began making preparations to invade the North. Prior to embarking on this operation, he moved to consolidate his army near Culpeper, VA. Early June 1863, the corps of Lieutenant General James Longstreet and Richard Ewell had arrived while the Confederate cavalry, led by Major General J.E.B. Stuart screened to the east. Moving his five brigades into camp around Brandy Station, the dashing Stuart requested a full field review of his troops by Lee. Scheduled for June 5, this saw Stuarts men move through a simulated battle near Inlet Station. As Lee proved unable to attend on June 5, this review was re-staged in his presence three days later, though without the mock battle. While impressive to behold, many criticized Stuart for needlessly tiring his men and horses. With the conclusion of these activities, Lee issued orders for Stuart to cross the Rappahannock River the next day and raid advanced Union positions. Understanding that Lee intended to begin his offensive shortly, Stuart moved his men back into camp to prepare for the next day. Battle of Brandy Station - Pleasontons Plan: Across the Rappahannock, the commander of the Army of the Potomac, Major General Joseph Hooker, sought to ascertain Lees intentions. Believing that the Confederate concentration at Culpeper signaled a threat to his supply lines, he summoned his cavalry chief, Major General Alfred Pleasonton, and ordered him to conduct a spoiling attack to disperse the Confederates at Brandy Station. To assist with the operation, Pleasonton was given two select brigades of infantry led by Brigadier Generals Adelbert Ames and David A. Russell. Though the Union cavalry had performed poorly to date, Pleasonton devised a daring plan which called for dividing his command into two wings. The Right Wing, consisting of Brigadier General John Bufords 1st Cavalry Division, a Reserve Brigade led by Major Charles J. Whiting, and Ames men, was to cross the Rappahannock at Beverlys Ford and advance south toward Brandy Station. The Left Wing, led by Brigadier General David McM. Gregg, was to cross to the east at Kellys Ford and attack from the east and south to catch the Confederates in a double envelopment. Battle of Brandy Station - Stuart Surprised: Around 4:30 AM on June 9, Bufords men, accompanied by Pleasonton, began crossing the river in a thick fog. Quickly overwhelming the Confederate pickets at Beverlys Ford, the pushed south. Alerted to the threat by this engagement, the stunned men of Brigadier General William E. Grumble Jones brigade rushed to the scene. Barely prepared for battle, they succeeded in briefly holding up Bufords advance. This allowed Stuarts Horse Artillery, which had nearly been taken unawares, to escape south and establish a position on two knolls flanking the Beverlys Ford Road (Map). While Jones men fell back to a position on the right of the road, Brigadier General Wade Hamptons brigade formed on the left. As the fighting escalated, the 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry unsuccessfully charged forward in an attempt to take the Confederate guns near St. James Church. As his men fought around the church, Buford began probing for a way around the Confederate left. These endeavors led him to encounter Brigadier General W.H.F. Rooney Lees brigade which had assumed a position behind a stone wall in front of Yew Ridge. In heavy fighting, Bufords men succeeded in driving Lee back and taking the position. Battle of Brandy Station - A Second Surprise: As Buford advanced against Lee, Union troopers engaging the St. James Church line were stunned to see Jones and Hamptons men retreating. This movement was in reaction to the arrival of Greggs column from Kellys Ford. Having crossed early that morning with his 3rd Cavalry Division, Colonel Alfred Duffià ©s small 2nd Cavalry Division, and Russells brigade, Gregg had been blocked from advancing directly on Brandy Station by Brigadier General Beverly H. Robertsons brigade which had taken a position on the Kellys Ford Road. Shifting south, he succeeded in finding an unguarded road which led into Stuarts rear. Advancing, Colonel Percy Wyndhams brigade led Greggs force into Brandy Station around 11:00 AM. Gregg was separated from Bufords fight by a large rise to the north known as Fleetwood Hill. The site of Stuarts headquarters before the battle, the hill was largely unoccupied except for a lone Confederate howitzer. Opening fire, it caused the Union troops to pause briefly. This permitted a messenger to reach Stuart and inform him of the new threat. As Wyndhams men began their attack up the hill, they were met by Jones troops riding in from St. James. Church (Map). Moving to join the battle, the Colonel Judson Kilpatricks brigade moved east and assaulted the south slope of Fleetwood. This attack was met by Hamptons arriving men. The battle soon deteriorated into a series of bloody charges and countercharges as both sides sought control of Fleetwood Hill. The fighting ended with Stuarts men in possession. Having been engaged by Confederate troops near Stevensburg, Duffià ©s men arrived too late to alter the outcome on the hill. To the north, Buford maintained pressure on Lee, forcing him to retreat to the hills northern slopes. Reinforced late in the day, Lee counterattacked Buford but found that the Union troops were already departing as Pleasonton had ordered a general withdrawal near sunset. Battle of Brandy Station - Aftermath: Union casualties in the fighting numbered 907 while the Confederates sustained 523. Among the wounded was Rooney Lee who was later captured on June 26. Though the fighting was largely inconclusive, it marked a turning point for the much-maligned Union cavalry. For the first time during the war, they matched their Confederate counterparts skill on the battlefield. In the wake of the battle, Pleasonton was criticized by some for not pressing home his attacks to destroy Stuarts command. He defended himself by stating that his orders had been for a reconnaissance in force toward Culpeper. Following the battle, an embarrassed Stuart attempted to claim victory on the grounds that the enemy had departed the field. This did little to hide the fact that he had been badly surprised and caught unawares by the Union attack. Chastised in the Southern press, his performance continued to suffer as he made key mistakes during the upcoming Gettysburg Campaign. The Battle of Brandy Station was the largest predominantly cavalry engagement of the war as well as the largest fought on American soil. Selected Sources National Park Service: Battle of Brandy Station CWPT: Battle of Brandy Station

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Company Promotion Policies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Company Promotion Policies - Research Paper Example Fron this essay it is clear that if we look at the argument from the company’s perspective, they believe that Maria is a good employee; however, she is loud and aggressive at time in her contact with co-workers and supervisors. Moreover, she has had punctuality issues twice in the past and she gives family problems as the causes. She says that her family needed her help and support and it was her duty to do so. With regard to the accent, it was also cleared out that it was not the company was discriminating her accent, although it was a major consideration. However, it was pointed out that Maria speaks very rapidly and because of her accent, it becomes impossible to understand anything she said. The company says that communication is a very important part of that job description and hence, it cannot be overlooked.This study highlights that  we need to first understand discrimination before we can provide any ruling regarding the company’s promotion policy. We can defi ne discrimination as the bias in treatment that exists towards a certain race, color, sex, nationality. Another explanation of discrimination can be the improper treatment based on unjustified factors. Racial discrimination occurs when a member of one racial group is treated favorably as compared to the member of another racial group. Discrimination in the workplace occurs when there is an unjustified hiring, promotion, job assignment, compensation, or termination of the job... We can define discrimination as the bias in treatment that exists towards a certain race, color, sex, nationality. Another explanation of discrimination can be the improper treatment based on unjustified factors. Racial discrimination occurs when a member of one racial group is treated favorably as compared to the member of another racial group. Discrimination in the workplace occurs when there is an unjustified hiring, promotion, job assignment, compensation, or termination of the job (Blank, Dabady, & Citro, 2004). The law that is most widely used by employees against discrimination is the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which states that, â€Å"to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; or (2) to limit, segregate, or classify his employees or appli cants for employment in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee, because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin† (Garcez, n.d.). The case at hand is that the company promoted another employee based on his evaluation and his aggressiveness for the job and another employee who is in racial minority in the company believes that there has been discrimination based on sex, race, and language ability. There were three major reasons that contributed towards Maria’s retention at her current post: her aggressive and loud behavior with her co-workers and supervisors, issues with punctuality, and her accent, which

Friday, October 18, 2019

Contemporary Developments in the EC Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Contemporary Developments in the EC Law - Essay Example Council Regulation Number 1612/68 of the EEC defines a migrant worker as a national of any member state of the EU who seeks employment in any other member state and it enjoins upon the member states to treat the migrant worker on par with the indigenous workers. Article 12 of the EC Treaty enjoins upon the member countries to accord facilities to the children of workers from other member countries, who are or were employed in that member country, similar to those that it does to the children of its own citizens3. Article 18(1) of the EC Treaty, bestows on every citizen of the union the right to free movement and residence within the territory of the Member States. EC Directive 2004/38 amends Regulation 1612/68 of the EEC to the effect that a citizen of the Union can reside in another Member State for three months with a valid passport or identity card. For subsequent periods, extending to five years thereafter, such residence is conditional, in as much as that such a person must be either a worker, self-employed or "have sufficient resources so as not to become a burden on the social security system of the host State and have comprehensive sickness insurance"4. Ms Jones after graduation from Sunderland University in 2005 with a Business Degree went on a European tour. While in Spain she applied for a post as an English teacher at a Financial Securities Academy. However, at the interview she discovered that she was ineligible for this post as she was not a Spanish national and since such posts had been classified as belonging to the "public service", and for which only Spanish nationals could be appointed, resulting in the ineligibility of non-nationals. Ms Jones was denied employment on the grounds that she was not Spanish National. However, Article 5 of Title I of the EU Regulation 1612/68, which has been discussed above, deals with the free circulation of workers within the European Union, directs the State employment offices have to render help to an EU foreigner seeking employment in another EU country, which is akin to that rendered to their own nationals. Article 1 of the EU Regulation 1612/68, states that any national of a Member State, shall, irrespective of her place of residence, have the right to take up an activity as an employed person, and to pursue such activity, within the territory of another Member State in accordance with the provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action governing the employment of nationals of that State. She shall, in particular, have the right to take up available employment in the territory of another Member State with the same priority as nationals of that State5. According to Article 12, a Spanish Work or Residence permit, is not only available to any EU worker but also to any family member of the EU worker. All of these rights regarding the free circulation of workers within the European Union are set out in EU Regulation. Title 1 of these regulations specifically prohibits any member country from applying rules or imposing unusual conditions in respect of employment of EU foreigners. It is also prohibited to force foreigners to register with employment offices as a precondition for employment. Further, it is proscribed to raise obstacles in the hiring of EU foreign nationals who do not officially reside in that country. In practice this implies that an EU citizen


FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN A COUNTRY OF YOUR CHOICE - Essay Example However the modern UK banking and Finance owe their evolution to the Crown's dissolution of the monasteries which acted as money keepers in the 1530s.( Chen 1983:1400). Today the UK banking system is extremely advanced in terms of the globalization of its financial markets. The constant development and innovation in its financial operations and strategies has changed both its operational and structural financial landscape. Currently it is highly influenced by the Basel Committee (under the Bank of International Settlements) which was formed in response to the crises caused by the insolvency of Bankaus Herstatt and the problems caused by Nixon's announcement of the closure of the Golden Window ,has worked since 1974 to prevent such risks from injuring the health and wealth of such financial institutions. Of more importance however is the UK's current monetary policy which is aimed at delivering price stability which is a result of low inflation (with the Government's inflation target of 2%. expressed in terms of an annual rate of inflation based on the Consumer Prices Index (CPI).)Currently the Bank of England with its powers under the Bank of England Act 1998 has the role of the financial regulator and can set interest rates with little interference from the government.(expressed in terms of an annual rate of inflation based on the Consumer Prices Index (CPI). The decade of the nineties demonstrated low and relatively stable interest rates in contrast to the high and volatile interest rates which haunted the economy in the seventies.The interest rates also fell following the 9/11 incident,yet the UK financial sector saw definite booms with in the housing sector as interest rates increased in 2004.However the current low interest rates are affecting the system of bond markets, curre ncy markets and stock markets. This has also reportedly led to an increase in the to income ratio for consumers.Before the FSA (Financial Services Authority) became the statutory banking supervisor of the UK through the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000,UK bank supervision was the responsibility of the Bank of England. The Bank of England has been an informal supervisor for British Banks ever since the mid nineteenth century but the Bank of England Act 1979 confirmed these powers by granting it be able to approve or refuse authorization to carry out banking business in the UK. Employment and Inflation Recent statistics show that things are improving in terms of microeconomic indicators like that of employment and reduced inflation.The diagram below gives a rough estimate of the UK interest rates This is because during the past few years the UK has had much success in controlling interest rate fuelled inflationary problems. Employment in the UK reached 29 million in 2006 for the first time; the highest figure since comparable records began in 19711. New evidence from the Bank of England however Inflation Report2 suggests that UK has been hit by stagflation in its financial sector "In the central projection, higher energy and import prices push inflation above the target in the near term. Inflation then falls back to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assessing non-parametric or t tests Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Assessing non-parametric or t tests - Essay Example Also the variance of the population is unknown and to be tested from the sample. Under study consists of small samples and meets other conditions which are suitable to be tested with the t-test (Siegle. D, 2014). In addition to it, if the quality of the product is to be checked and for example the product is a car; ability of cars to absorb accident, then it will be very difficult and costly to handle large sample data. Therefore t-test is the best option to test such type of parameters. Adding further, if any statistics follows t-distribution, t-test has to be applied. If there is a need to determine that is there any significant difference between the means of two groups, then t-test is used. Now-a-days the development in both the field of computer i.e. in the hardware and software is tremendously going upward (RO, 2014). In fact, there are many computer softwares available in the market which calculates the test statistics which also provide probability of parameters in which anybody is interested. Going through the inference statistics, one assumes that all the dependent variables fit in a normal distribution. Also probability of a particular outcome can be identifying if there is an existence of normal distribution. Basically the research article under study focused on the relationship marketing among the income level and the banks which were preferred by the customer. The research makes use of the f-test and the t- test. The use of t-test is made in order to find out the noteworthy difference among the demographic variables. Also in the study the customer awareness regarding relationship marketing, occupation, age, religion, gender of the customer has also been taken to find out the significant mean difference. It means that weather the person working in government organization, male or female, Muslim or Christian, young or aged customers, businessman or private sector customer have same level

Peter's Declaration to Alexei Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Peter's Declaration to Alexei - Essay Example This declaration in question partakes of the conventions of the ethical will, a didactic literary genre popular with Russian moralists of all political persuasions. However, instead of actually giving some moral and practical advice to Alexei, Peter decides to deprive him of his right to the inheritance of the throne. Peter I, though, does give reasons behind his attitude toward his son, one important issue being that Alexei does not even care to listen to him regarding the military affairs although they should be grateful to the military for being in the better position they were in now as compared to the previous times. It is apparent that Peter I felt that the art of war is something that should be known by every young man. He felt that it is the only way through which they can learn about order and defense and in Peter’s opinion, these two things are extremely important ingredients for there to be a well-ordered reign. Peter’s own son, however, failed in this area a nd it was his decision to disinherit him as he is of no use to the kingdom he would be getting after Peter I. Peter I felt that Alexei cannot rule without having the know-how of such things. Thus, without any hesitation, Peter gave his son the status of a lazy slave and made him appear as a good for nothing lad who can never make into this world. Peter, I was sad that he had not been able to change his son and make something out of him though he had tried every kind of action, including verbal and physical beatings and scolding.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Assessing non-parametric or t tests Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Assessing non-parametric or t tests - Essay Example Also the variance of the population is unknown and to be tested from the sample. Under study consists of small samples and meets other conditions which are suitable to be tested with the t-test (Siegle. D, 2014). In addition to it, if the quality of the product is to be checked and for example the product is a car; ability of cars to absorb accident, then it will be very difficult and costly to handle large sample data. Therefore t-test is the best option to test such type of parameters. Adding further, if any statistics follows t-distribution, t-test has to be applied. If there is a need to determine that is there any significant difference between the means of two groups, then t-test is used. Now-a-days the development in both the field of computer i.e. in the hardware and software is tremendously going upward (RO, 2014). In fact, there are many computer softwares available in the market which calculates the test statistics which also provide probability of parameters in which anybody is interested. Going through the inference statistics, one assumes that all the dependent variables fit in a normal distribution. Also probability of a particular outcome can be identifying if there is an existence of normal distribution. Basically the research article under study focused on the relationship marketing among the income level and the banks which were preferred by the customer. The research makes use of the f-test and the t- test. The use of t-test is made in order to find out the noteworthy difference among the demographic variables. Also in the study the customer awareness regarding relationship marketing, occupation, age, religion, gender of the customer has also been taken to find out the significant mean difference. It means that weather the person working in government organization, male or female, Muslim or Christian, young or aged customers, businessman or private sector customer have same level

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Security after September 11 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Security after September 11 - Assignment Example Also, following the Cold War with Russia, the U.S. government could conclude almost with a precision that it had contained all its enemies. However, this was far from reality as sooner than later it terrorists struck. From bombings in U.S. embassies found in East Africa to the deadly attacks at World Trade Centre and Twin Towers, it became evident that U.S. security details had to undergo considerable reforms (Bolton, 2008). In this paper, I present some of the security changes that took place following September 11 incident and their impacts on my lifestyle. Immediately after the attack, it was evident that there was a lot of security laxity at the airports. This is because the suicide bombers who hijacked the ill-fated planes successfully manoeuvred the airport security personnel to carry out the attacks. Congress responded to this by passing Aviation and Transportation Security Act, which resulted in the creation of Transportation Security Administration. Before the 9/11 incident, security issues within the airports was handled by respective airports, which also hired the services of private security companies (Pinkowski, 2008). TSA got into action almost immediately by implementing a set of procedures such as stricter guidelines on passenger and luggage screening. As at the moment, only ticketed passengers are allowed to go through security. The latest set of technologies have also been adopted at the airports to screen for weapons and any other object that could be a threat to passengers aboard the plane. Furthermore, liquids were ba nned and everybody is expected to remove their shoes while undergoing screening. Another change that happened involved tightening the immigration procedures. Unlike before the 9/11 incident, it was somehow easier for immigrants from all over the world to gain access to the United States of America. However, following the attacks, Congress responded immediately be demanding that the immigration department limit such immigration.  Ã‚  

Box Plot For Males And Females For The Variable Day Essay Example for Free

Box Plot For Males And Females For The Variable Day Essay Data was analyzed using SPSS. There was an outlier for subject 611, the female whole data was 120. 02 for day 1 of download festival, which was changed appropriately to 2. 02. the results for the box plot were then obtained. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) EDA is the form of data analysis that utilizes different tools to accompany the overall statistical hypothesis testing analytical methods for the sake of ensuring the analysis is more clear and easier to understand. The analysis usually involves exploration of the data to understand its general characteristics on top of those that a research was carried out to test. They hence help one to have a general understanding of the sample from which the data was collected and ultimately understand the population from which the data was collected. EDA utilizes different statistical tools in exploring the data being investigated. Such tools aim at explaining the data by giving such characteristics of the sample as its behavior in terms of its mean, median, mode, presence of outliers, its distribution and normality among other characteristics. The tools mostly constitute of graphical tools such as charts, histograms and different plots. All these tools are important in any study as they improve ones understanding of the sample being investigated and also reveal other characteristics that may be of scientific interest yet were not being considered as part of the study at hand.

Monday, October 14, 2019

ICT in health services

ICT in health services ICT in health service. Information technology coursework- 1ST draft Improving the health of individuals and communities, and strengthening health systems, disease detection and prevention are crucial to development and poverty reduction. ICTs have the potential to impact almost every aspect of the health sector. In public health, information management and communication processes are pivotal, and are facilitated or limited by available ICTs. ICT-Information and Communications Technology is a study or business of developing and using technology to process information and aid communications. ICT can be used nearly everywhere around us; at schools, in police stations, libraries, banks, weather forecasting, supermarkets and in health services. It makes our lives easier, by quicker and good quality research, by storing important information, and quick passing down of any information, in nearly every form that we want. ICT in health services is used mainly to achieve poverty reduction and improving health of the most poor and exposed to many diseases, because of lack of medicine, people.   It already have made a big impact on the health care by: Improved   spread of public health information and facilitated public conversations around major health threats. Enabled distant consultations, diagnosis and treatment trough telemedicine(an application of clinical medicine where medical information is transferred through a phone, internet or other networks) Facilitated teamwork and cooperation among health workers More effective health research Strengthened ability to monitor public health threats and responding to them very quickly Improved efficiency of administrative systems. ICT is very important in health services because improving health includes improving public health and medical   programs designed to provide optional, emergency, and long-term clinical care. Reliable information and effective communication, like mobile telephony, e-mails or video-conferencing, are vital elements in public health practices.   Doctors from all around the world may communicate with each other and discuss any health issues without leaving their homes or offices. Also, increased and more accessible information helps people with improving their own health. The use of ICT in health sectors have focused on three broad categories: Improving functioning of   health care systems, which includes management of patients care and records, administrative and ordering systems . Improving the delivery of health care through better diagnosis, training among workers, and supporting them in primary health care. Improving communication in health services, including improved communication between workers and feedback on the impact of health services and interventions. ICTs help with improving the health care delivery in a number of ways. Telemedicine is one of them. It helps countries deal with shortages of professional doctors through better coordination of resources and helps in sharing experience and professional development. Also, there are ICTs like radios. For instance, in Nepal, rural health workers may get information and support through the radio. They are given a chance to receive standardized instructions. HIV and AIDS are supported by electronic network and communication. Electronic networks are valid and workable means of providing learning and dialogue, highlighting issues and creating virtual conferences among those who cannot attend in person. A project in South Africa, Asia and the Pacific was created to provide electronic networking and communication, so that an opportunity is given for people to attend many conferences. In developing countries, many health workers involved in primary health   are isolated. They often work alone, and have little or no access to up-to-date information and chances to exchange experience with colleagues. The situation is starting to improve though, thanks to PDAs(Personal Digital Assistants)-small, handheld devices that enable workers to have access to important and needed information, store and capture health data. In Ghana, Kenya   and Uganda PDAs are very common. In Ghana, they are used by community volunteers. In Kenya, medical students were equipped with the small devices, that were loaded with relevant information about their studies. While in Uganda, practicing   physicians were given the devices containing basic reference material as part of their continuing medical education.   In summary, telemedicine provides benefits, like urban and rural linkages and connecting health staff to centralized health expertise. Phones and e-mails that are incorporated into medical practices can make a significant difference. Also, multiple ICT routes are used for e-learning in a mixed toolbox approach, eg. Using internet, SMS, PDAs, radio, printouts. People take in new information, ideas, and approaches in terms of their own local context and social, economic and cultural processes. They   adapt them into their daily realities in ways that help them better deal with the local situation. They have to understand the culture of another country and find out whether the treatment they want to give the patients is right for them, taking into account their religion, for example. ICTs help them with that.   They provide opportunities to encourage dialogue and social mobilization. Approaches that are being used for any of these purposes include: developing internet information portals, using mass media to broadcast widely, developing interactive programming on broadcast media and making more effective use of existing communication systems. Communication systems are already quite developed, still, though, they need an increase in effectiveness. We can observe the quick development of communication systems through, eg. GIS-Geographical Information Systems. These devices have a very important use; they help to predict and identify the spread of any harmful diseases. In many countries, it already had helped a lot. In Bangladesh, GIS data had been used to warn the health authorities from the spread of cholera in coastal cities. Communication systems may be developing, but there are three main barriers that restrain the successful application of ICT in the health sector in developing countries: connectivity, capacity and content. With connectivity, the issues are about lack of access to electricity,   high costs, lack of telecom policy or solar power options. With capacity, the problems are with ensuring that information are culturally appropriate. While content problems include lack of   local content creation and the language used. Although, many poor and developing countries already use ICTs in the health sectors, they still have to be developed, so there is two-way communication and the messages and information are clear. A good example is Namibia, where there were statistics made how Namibian doctors used ICTs to deliver health services to their patients. A questionnaire was administrated to 21 health service providers in two regions of the country, from one of which was rural, the other urban. All said that ICTs are very important (100%). 91% said ICT helps them interacting with other health service providers. The most common ICT is a telephone(36%), the next one is a PC (23%). The most commonly used channels of communication with patients are telephones followed by television.   Namibia has big problems with budgets and lack of basic infrastructures, like electricity or telephone lines. â€Å"There is a need to promote ICT use for health service delivery and also to stimulate patients to use ICT to acce ss health services and relevant information.† ICTs in health services are very important. Thanks to ICT health workers may make better treatment decisions, hospitals will provide better quality and safer care, people will make informed choices about their health, and policymakers will be better informed of any risks. Also, health service workers have to communicate between each other to help reduce poverty and help the poor. It is already achieved by telephones; SMS, calls, internet: e-mails, video-conferencing, but still has to be developed due to many barriers, like lack of telephone lines or poor access to the internet. Also, governments have to invest in organization of health services in their own countries, and, for example, bring the NHS plan to life. It will still take a lot of planning, evaluating and money, but the better the communication between countries and health services in different places, the bigger the chance of reduction of diseases, epidemics or any sicknesses. As we can see, ICTs may help very much in the health service, but looking from the other side, ICTs may damage our health. There are various problems with health that are consequences of the use of computers, watching television etc.   We are susceptible to stress, eyestrain and injuries to the neck, back and wrists.   Therefore every employer, every parent, every child must be careful and take steps to protect themselves and others.   While using the computer, we sometimes do not think of all the consequences and we do not even know how serious they could be. If the monitor flickers, you do not use a screen filter and do not take regular breaks, you can have a headache, your eyes may burn and itch. What else can happen to you and why? Back pain, due to the weird position we have while sitting in front of the computer, R.S.I. (Repetitive Strain Injury), which means your hand may be weak, swelled etc. The most common one, especially at work, is stress. â€Å"Many people are afr aid of computers, they dont understand them and feel they will look stupid if they admit that they dont know how to operate one. People worry that a computer will be able to replace them and they might lose their jobs.† These are just some reasons why people may feel stressed out because of the computers. The employer needs to provide steps to protect his workers, as the law (‘Health and safety Act 1974) states.   The law states that an employer must: provide tiltable screens provide anti-glare screen filters provide adjustable chairs provide foot supports make sure lighting is suitable make sure there is sufficient space for people to work train employees how to use work stations correctly ensure employees have sufficient breaks pay for regular eye sight tests for anyone who needs prescription glasses in order to use the computer. To protect us from the side effects of using computers, a science had been introduced, which concerns designing safe and comfortable furniture and machines. It is called ergonomics. It states sunlight is the best light but it cannot reflect in your screen, the desk should support your arms, the computer monitor should be at the eye level or just below, and the screen should be about 45 cm away from your face etc. Nowadays ICTs are our companions nearly everywhere.   It is extremely important in the health service (and not only), mainly because of the quick passing down information and it was created to reduce poverty and help people, but we still cannot forget that it can damage our health, as well as improve it. Important or not, we have to use ICTs wisely. Bibliography: http://www.teach-ict.com/gcse/theory/healthsafety/miniweb/index.htm http://www.ictri.port.ac.uk/overview.htm http://www.publictechnology.net/content/1480 http://jtt.rsmjournals.com/cgi/content/abstract/14/6/285 Improving health, connecting people; the role of ICT s in the health sector of Developing Countries, framework paper, 31st May 2006. Improving health, connecting people; the role of ICT s in the health sector of Developing Countries, framework paper, 31st May 2006. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/I/ICT.html http://jtt.rsmjournals.com/cgi/content/abstract/14/6/285 http://www.ictri.port.ac.uk/overview.htm http://www.publictechnology.net/modules.php?op=modloadname=Newsfile=articlesid=1480 http://www.teach-ict.com/gcse/theory/healthsafety/miniweb/pg5.htm http://www.teach-ict.com/gcse/theory/healthsafety/miniweb/pg7.htm

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essays --

Thought to be an oncogene, a gene that has potential in transforming normal cells into tumor cells, p53 was regarded as the most prominent tumor suppressor gene [1]. P53 is a gene which signals apoptosis (programmed cell death) if a cell cannot be repaired due to an extensive amount of damage. As stated in the textbook, p53 regulation occurs by an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase known as MDM2 [1]. "Controlling the controller" is a statement that describes the molecular interaction where the presence of MDM2 targets the p53 for proteosome via degradation. With three main checkpoints in cell cycle, the literature states p53 functioning from G1 into S phase in a chaotic cell [2]. The normal state of cells is to keep p53 levels low in order to prevent uncontrolled apoptosis and random cell cycle arrest from occurring. In a further note, although p53 promotes apoptosis and cell cycle arrest, cancer may result from p53 unable to recognize the problematic site. In turn, a mutation in p53 may result engaging in new activities. These activities include cellular transformation, tumor metastasis,...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Life Defined by a Single Moment in Scarlet Letter, Red Badge of Courage

A Life Defined by a Single Moment in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Stephen Crane's Red Badge of Courage, and  Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment    Life can be changed by a decision made during a single moment. Despite the natural gifts of courage or intelligence of a person, a single mistake can isolate him from the rest of society. In one case this can be cause by public conception. The public believes that this person is morally inferior and singles out that person for ridicule. However, it can also be self-imposed isolation. Either way, that person cannot rejoin his society until he has redeemed himself. In Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, both kinds of moral isolation are examined. Hester Prynne is placed in the public's scorn for her adulterous act. The scarlet "A" that she is forced to wear as a penance ensures that no one, especially Hester herself, will forget what she did. Through the public's condemnation of her act, Hester eventually finds her salvation and purges herself of guilt. She becomes a stronger person because of this new understanding and gains the community's respect for her charity. Dimmesdale, on the other hand, does not face his sin publicly until ... ...no matter how intelligent or "extraordinary," can go their entire lives without making a bad decision. In order for them to return morally to the other members of their society, their redemption must contain certain factors. First, it is not necessary for a confession to be public unless the transgressor believes that it is a requirement for forgiveness. Then the person must believe that the redeeming act is equal to the mistake and that he is cleared of guilt. After he forgives himself, he is no longer morally isolated and returns to society whether or not the society has forgiven him.   

Friday, October 11, 2019

Formal Lab Report

Douglas Mitchell Biology 111 Laboratory Report 18 FEB 2013 The Scientific Method Introduction In life, both human and animal, reaction time can mean the difference between life and death. Reaction time is defined as â€Å"the time it takes to react to a stimuli (Norman, 2011). † In humans, hand dominance (left-handed vs. right-handed) can further impact this reaction time. In this case a simple study of reaction time and hand dominance is being used to illustrate the practical application of the scientific method in the laboratory. ObservationHuman reaction times vary person to person and often increase with age. This change in reaction time can have little impact on a person’s daily life, such as when answering a ringing telephone. But this change can also have a dramatic impact when driving, working in dangerous environments, and negotiating busy streets and sidewalks. Literature Search â€Å"Reaction time has been used as a psychological test since the mid-19th cent ury (Deary, 1). † Several studies have been conducted dealing with reaction time and the factors that can affect it.In their study titled â€Å"Validation of reaction time as a measure of cognitive function and quality of life in healthy subjects and patients†, Jakobsen, Sorensen, et al studied and reported findings regarding diminished reaction times and the effect that poor health had on those times. Findings were conclusive that the healthier the individual, the better their responses. Hypothesis Individual’s reaction time with their dominant hand is faster than those with their non-dominant hand. Conversely, there may be no statistically valid difference in the reaction time from one hand to the other. ExperimentTo test the variance in reaction time from dominant hand to non-dominant hand we set up an experiment using a simple reaction time test found in the free marketplace on an Android telephone. This application required the user to touch one of four colo red stars that match the color of an identified star in the upper right hand corner. The subject was asked to repeat this response 20 times and the total time was scored as the reaction time. If a subject made an incorrect â€Å"touch† then their time would continue until the correctly touched 20 stars. The subject would then be ask to repeat this test with their non-dominant hand.To standardize the testing instructions were provided by my team mates and it was decided that the subject would place the device on a flat surface in front of them and use the index finger on first their dominant hand and then their non-dominant hand. Data was collected for 30 random subjects and analysis performed. Data Analysis Data collected from the 30 random subjects was input and the following summary statistics were produced. Dominant Hand Mean Reaction Time (D)| | | 18. 865 sec. | Median Reaction Time (D)| | | 17. 264 sec. | Variance (D)| | | 28. 235 sec. | Standard Deviation (D)| | | 5. 31 4 sec. | Non-dominant HandMean Reaction Time (N)| | | 17. 734 sec. | Median Reaction Time (N)| | 16. 412 sec. | Variance (N)| | | 16. 130 sec. | Standard Deviation (N)| | | 4. 016 sec. | The graphs below illustrate the mean for each hand as well as error with in plus or minus one standard deviation. Conclusion After conducting this experiment and reviewing the data, a few things became clear. One is that age of the subject had a significant impact on results with both hands. This is presumed to be the result of the interaction with a new technology. Younger subjects seemed to grasp the concept of what they were expected to do more quickly.Second, in this case, familiarity did not breed contempt, but it did breed faster reaction times. As subjects became more comfortable with the application they were using, their response times decreased. The later of these two factors had a more global effect on our outcomes, thus disproving our hypothesis in this case. I do not believe these resul ts to be conclusive or authoritative and simply put, more research is needed. References Deary, I. J. , Liewald, D. & Nissan, J. (2011) A free, easy-to-use, computer-based simple and four-choice reaction time programme: The dearly-liewald reaction time task.Behavior Research Methods (Online), 43(1), 258-268. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/920259801? accountid=39001 Jakobsen, L. H. , Sorensen, J. M. , Rask, I. K. , Jensen, B. S. , & Kondrup, J. (2011). Validation of reaction time as a measure of cognitive function and quality of life in healthy subjects and patients. Nutrition, 27(5), 561-570. Doi: http://dx. doi. org/10. 1016/j. nut. 2010. 08. 003 Norman, Celia (2011). General Biology 111: Laboratory Manual. Denver, CO: Department of Biology, Arapahoe Community College.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Health Care Organizations Essay

The importance of health care organizations, in Mike Moran’s hands is nothing less than to deliver quality care. According to Mike, health care organizations require substantial resources to perform day-to-day operations, and achieve long-term, strategic goals. As the manager of Iowa Park and Recreational Department, Mike is responsible for using his or her power selectively. He believes that understanding the risks, costs, and benefits of a health care organization is the key for managers to use his or her power effectively. The organization I have chosen to interview, Iowa Park and Recreational Department, is a selectively large organization that contains forty-seven full-time employees and five-hundred temporary employees. The service area is approximately five square miles and serves around 100,000 citizens of the Iowa City, Coralville area. Mike is the director and head of the Park and Recreational department. Under supervision, with some latitude for independent action or decision, Mike is responsible for programs of recreational activities. Mike is responsible for six divisions: parks, recreation, forest trees, central business districts, government building and cemetery. To attain this title, Mike achieved is Bachelor’s degree and then went on to achieve his Master’s degree from Northern Colorado. Some of the physical activities performed by Recreational Directors and environmental conditions experienced are: demonstrating, teaching, leading and officiating at recreational activities such as group teams, games, dances, and working outdoors. Mike is required to work evenings, nights, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Although his education possibly landed Mike the job, he truly believes that his love for the community landed him to the advancement of director. However, Mike admits challenges arise at this position. According to him, the most frustrating challenge is maintain within his budget. Mike makes this easier by introducing fundraising strategies to the community. He also admits that working with people can sometimes challenge his role. Public relations are his downfall and require the most attention for improvement. Mike is responsible for the recreation organization’s daily operation. He primarily organizes and directs participants, schedule the use of facilities, keep records of equipment use, and ensure that recreation facilities and equipment are used properly. In addition, they may lead classes and provide instruction in a recreational activity. As a supervisor, Mike oversees recreation leaders and plan, organize, and manage recreational activities to meet the needs of a variety of populations. He also directs special activities and events or oversees a major activity, such as aquatics, gymnastics, or one or more performing arts. Mike develops and manages comprehensive recreation programs in parks, playgrounds, and other settings. He serves as a technical advisor or State and local recreation and park commissions and is responsible for recreation and park budgets. Iowa Park and Recreational Division provides a variety of leisure time recreational services, including organized activities to all populations. The professional staff of the Recreation Division provides purposeful recreation programming by utilizing departmental and other community facilities. This division strives to cooperate with all agencies and to coordinate activities with other recreational organizations in order to expand leisure time opportunities for the community. The recreational department strives to enhance the quality of life for the residents of Iowa City and surrounding area by providing cost effective quality programs and services, facilities, parks, open spaces, and information as an essential link in creating a dynamic, vital community. Recreational opportunities and leisure-time pursuits are plentiful for the residents in the area. It’s important to also maintain your fiscal responsibilities. While interviewing Mike, he discussed how he is responsible for a seven point two million dollar budget and also a C. I. P budget between five and fifteen million every year. To be involved in these types of important responsibilities your training responsibilities need to be maintained to keep certification. To maintain it you need to get your C. E. U (continuing education unit) credit. Overall employment of recreation workers is projected to increase by 15 percent between 2012 and 2022, which is faster than the average for all occupations. Although people will spend more time and money on recreation, budget restrictions in State and local government will limit the number of jobs added. Civic and social organizations and fitness and sports centers will also contribute to growth. Growth will be driven by the growing numbers of young and older Americans. The large numbers of births in recent years likely will increase the demand for recreation services for children, and retiring baby boomers are expected to have more leisure time, higher disposable incomes, and more concern for health and fitness than previous generations had. The latter factors should lead to an increasing demand for recreation services for baby boomers. Applicants for part-time, seasonal, and temporary recreation jobs should have good opportunities, but competition will remain keen for career positions because the recreation field attracts many applicants and because the number of career positions is limited compared with the number of lower level seasonal jobs. Opportunities for staff positions should be best for people with formal training and experience in part-time or seasonal recreation jobs. Volunteer experience, part-time work during school, and a summer job are viewed favorably. Those with graduate degrees should have the best opportunities for supervisory or administrative positions. Job openings will stem from growth and the need to replace the large numbers of workers who leave the occupation each year. The educational needs for people entering into this occupational field vary widely depending on the job and level of responsibility. For activity specialists, it is more important to have experience and demonstrated competence in a particular activity than to have a degree. Camp counselors often are older teenagers or young adults who have experienced camping as a child and enjoy the camping experience. A degree is less important than the counselor’s maturity level, ability to work well with children and teens, and ability to make sure that they stay safe. People planning careers in recreation should be outgoing, good at motivating people, and sensitive to the needs of others. Excellent health and physical fitness often are required, due to the physical nature of some jobs. Time management and the ability to manage others also are important. Recreation workers start their careers working with people. As they gain experience, they may get promoted to positions with greater responsibilities. Recreation workers with experience and managerial skills may advance to supervisory or managerial positions. Eventually, they may become the director of a recreation department. When Mike was asked if he could make any changes, he was very concerned with the community and he would like to make them more aware of the activities the Park and Recreational Organization offers. He also wishes he could get more people involved in the job skill and allow people more opportunities for a career in recreation. DON’T FORGET THE CONCLUSION!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Unit 6 Big Ideas in Science SEMINAR Research Paper

Unit 6 Big Ideas in Science SEMINAR - Research Paper Example Atmospheric Carbon also comes from decomposition of dead animals. Sedimentary rocks like limestone, as well as seashells also contain carbon. Nitrogen, on the other hand, exists in the atmosphere as nitrogen gas. This nitrogen gas is converted to ammonia gas through the process of nitrogen fixation, and the ammonia is converted to nitrites then oxidized to nitrates through the process of nitrification. Nitrogen fixation is accomplished by nitrogen fixing bacteria as well as lightning. The resultant nitrites and nitrates are converted back to nitrogen gas by denitrifying bacteria through denitrification process. Nitrogen present in organic matter is converted into ammonia gas via ammonification process. Human activities affect the natural processes of water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles. Activities like burning of fossil fuels and coal releases nitrogen compounds, sulfur, and carbon compounds to the atmosphere, which, in addition to causing air pollution, leads to the formation of acid rain. Acid rain causes great damage to plants and animals. Increase of nitrogen in the atmosphere causes imbalance of nutrients available for plants, affecting their health and biodiversity. Other problems like leaching of nitrogen into the soil and resultant pollution and eutrophication results from increasing nitrogen in the air. Furthermore, the use of chlorofluorocarbons, CFCS, causes the breakdown of the ozone layer leading to the formation of Ozone hole. The result is an increase in occurrence of skin cancer due to penetration of ultraviolet light into the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Comparing a North American Native civilization with a European's Essay

Comparing a North American Native civilization with a European's - Essay Example Furthermore, both groups supplemented foraging and hunting/fishing with the planting and harvesting of crops. Additionally, Europe like America at the time was split into thousands of small (tribe-like) warring factions with a host of political, religious, linguistic and ethnic divisions. Interestingly, though the text and the lecture notes make the emphasis of the level of equality that Native American women enjoyed as compared to their European counterparts, this is not necessarily the same story with the northern European Vikings. Due to the fact that the Vikings were semi-nomadic and often engaged in expeditions of conquest and wealth acquisition, the women who remained at home were responsible for ensuring that the civilization continued to operate in the absence of a great many of the men. As such, a type of matriarchal authority structure was not uncommon in Viking settlements during times of conquest. Likewise the Arakaris engaged in a semi-nomadic lifestyle that was anchored by their dependence on the crops of maize, squash, and beans. Interestingly, both of these groups are examples of societies in transition between nomadic hunter/gatherers and a more advanced stationary civilization.

Monday, October 7, 2019

To what extent do the educated or enlightened bear responsibility for Essay

To what extent do the educated or enlightened bear responsibility for enacting change in the world - Essay Example Similarly, enlightenment does not simply come about with truth itself but also with the entire process of discovering the truth and then transforming it into a powerful force. As in the â€Å"Allegory of the Cave,† what liberated the cave man was not only the light itself but also the painful process of becoming accustomed to the light. Therefore, it is incorrect for leaders to merely impose their beliefs or directly exhort their beliefs on the ignorant. This does not enlighten people; it only changes the shackles of the ignorant into the domination of the enlightened, which also corrupts and blinds leaders on the power of knowledge. Leaders should pave an encouraging pathway for the ignorant to discover the truth, leaving them to make the decision. By undergoing this, the ignorant become truly enlightened and empowered. Summary of Plato’s Claim from â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† Plato’s famous â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† generally defines education e quating it with enlightenment, as it is the knowledge of truth. Since truth is what sets man free from the darkness of ignorance, education is therefore liberating. Hence, an educated man who has acquired the knowledge of truth is compelled to educate the uneducated in order to change the world. ... However, as Plato explained, not everyone possesses the courage to leave the cave. There arises a possibility that while trying to liberate them by telling them truths that are beyond their grasp, they may conclude that you are corrupted by the light. Therefore, in order to liberate them, one must not impose the truth on them, but instead guide them towards discovering the truth themselves. Additionally, the allegory criticizes man’s ignorance of reality. The world is certainly not what we directly see. Plato claimed that defining reality according to the sense of perception is similar to the prisoners in the cave whose perceptual sense of reality mistook shadows as real objects. Paradoxically, reality is imperceptible; rather, it belongs to a higher realm that requires understanding of the mind. As in the allegory of the cave, it was only when one of the prisoners was dug out to the light that he started understanding how shadows were only reflections of reality. By identifyi ng the form that causes the shadow, one is able to move closer to reality. Moreover, forms are not simple concepts or ideas; rather they are as real as the objects they reflect (Gracyk 2). Furthermore, Plato equated goodness with the form of the good. He explains that goodness varies in different things. What is qualified as good differs in each case (for example, good table or a good chair), not all things are visually alike. What links them together is their form of goodness. Hence, the form of goodness is the only thing good and to understand goodness itself is to comprehend the unchanging form of goodness. Rationale of Thesis from Three Texts Freedom from ignorance is a matter of choice. It is impossible to set oneself free unless one

Sunday, October 6, 2019

LEADERSHIP Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

LEADERSHIP - Assignment Example My MBA classes serve as my first real exposure to leadership styles and interaction with people of different cultures. At first, things feel awkward but as I learned more about the principles of leadership and human interaction, I begin to feel more at ease with the group. Given my experience, the three leadership skills that brings a lot of meaning to my life at this point are the skills in active listening, communicate assertively and influencing. Active listening is a very important skill that every leader should learn in order to understand their subordinates better and address their issues and concerns in the most appropriate manner. As for assertive communication, I believe that this still is very important because we all need to deal with certain issues that need to be addressed in certain manners. Influencing others on the other hand is a crucial skill that leaders need to master in order inspire others to follow us. In evaluating my leadership skills using the PDJ and feedba ck from my ground and some classmates, I realized that I need to develop the skills in asserting myself and influencing others. II. Evaluation of Leadership Behavior According to Kotter (1990), leadership involve several factors including setting direction, aligning people, motivating people and creating a culture of leadership. Koontz and O’Donnell (1959) describe leadership as â€Å"influencing people to follow in the achievement of a common goal† while Tannenbaum, R. , Weschler, I.R., and Massarik, F. (1959) define leadership as â€Å"interpersonal influence exercised in a situation and directed, through the communication process, toward the attainment of a specialised goal or goals.† Based on the definitions given, it can be surmised that leadership involves a complex and comprehensive approach to a given situation in order to achieve the desired goals. Based on my experience, leading a group is a complex process and there are a lot of things that one needs to consider in order to inspire people and achieve good results. Leadership styles vary from one person to another and for a leader to be effective; he or she needs to adopt a leadership approach that he or she is comfortable with. In my case, I have a clear vision of the future and understand the importance of clearly defining my development path in order to achieve my goals. By creating a sort of mind map and putting into context the kind plans that I have in order to reach my goal, I am better able to charter my courses of action. For instance, in an activity where my team had to work over the holiday season, I was able to visualize what my team needs to do over the holidays in order to achieve our goals. By visualizing the future tasks of the group and communicating my vision through text messages and emails to the members of my group, I was able to convey the right message to my team mates. Yes, some of my team mates feel that there are things that I need to improve in terms of planning and communication (see Appendix 9) but I believe that given the time constraints that we had, I was able to carry-on the task at based on my vision. In evaluating my leadership behaviour using my Personal Development Journal (PDJ) and the feedback from my peers, I

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Government's role in protecting the environment Essay

Government's role in protecting the environment - Essay Example Aviation gasoline (avgas), which is used to power aircraft have a high content of lead. This prompted the agency in 2008 to change concentration of lead emitted in the airports from 1.5 micrograms per cubic meter to 0.15 microgram per cubic meter. This is a regulation that EPA has been monitoring to make sure that airports are complying through FAA. FAA has also designed another program known as Voluntary Airport Low Emissions Program (VALE) that is supposed to make sure that all sources of airport ground emissions are reduced. The quality of the air is enhanced by this program as well as complying with Clean Air Act. VALE advocates for airport sponsors to use funds from Passenger Facility Charges (PFCs) and Airport Improvement Program (AIP), which can be used to finance electrifications of gate, purchasing vehicles with low emission and recharging and refueling stations. These are some of the relentless efforts that the government through agencies such as EPA and FAA use to make sure that the environment is

Friday, October 4, 2019

Subjugation of Free

Subjugation of Freedom in One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Essay The Subjugation of Freedom in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Ken Kesey’s book, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, is a multi-faceted work incorporating many thematic elements. One of the most easily addressable themes is that of freedom and its limitations placed upon the characters in the novel. Many types of freedoms are addressed ranging from the tangible and real to the perceived and implied. The setting primarily takes place in a mental hospital on a locked ward which limits the characters’ physical freedoms. The characters are constantly coerced and demeaned by the antagonist Ms. Ratched which limits their mental freedoms. Beneath all is a subtext of sexual repression which is constantly fought against by McMurphy. Individually, each of these subjugations might be tolerated given exclusions to the others, but together they weigh down the men to the point where their complete lack of freedom almost becomes a comfort. Mental hospitals are typically secure facilities intended to provide a place for patients, whose symptoms range from minor to severe, to be secured and not be a danger to the rest of society while treatment is applied. The manner in which the patients are described in the story indicates that they are not severe mental cases but are those who are unable to function in society at large due to idiosyncrasies and minor hang-ups, yet they are housed in a ward where they are kept under lock and key, their movement is restricted to one day-room, and their activities are on a strictly regulated time-table. Most of the men have given up their physical freedom voluntarily with the expectation of treatment, mental healing and the eventual release back into society. McMurphy, on the other hand, was committed by the state and his sentence depends on the opinion of the Big Nurse, though he doesn’t realize this right away. Nurse Ratched does not resort to physical touch herself and instead uses the three ward aides to perform her physical brutality for her. McMurphy’s eventual goal is to get the other men out of the ward as much as possible because they have become too accustom to it. To do so all at once would likely be too great a shock so McMurphy starts inside the hospital with simply moving the group to another day room. Gradually, they are able to spend more time out of the ward with activities like basketball and the pool. The culmination of their unconventional therapy is the fishing trip where the men re-learn what real life outside the hospital can be like. Nurse Ratched doesn’t resort to physicality with the patients. She much prefers mental control and the main focus for her efforts of control. She has become a master of subtlety and misdirection. Before McMurphy arrives she has the men eager and willing to tattle on each other for tiny rewards. This information is then used in group therapy sessions where the idea is that the men can rely on each other for strength and the group will help lift them up, grow stronger and heal. What actually happens is each man takes it in turn to be attacked by the others for their faults. This is all orchestrated masterfully by Nurse Ratched who has but to ask a few simple pointed questions to get the fire burning. When she isn’t using the men’s own minds against them she drugs them to keep their thoughts slow, to keep them unmotivated and to keep them calm. Also in her arsenal is the threat of maximum mental punishment through shock therapy and lobotomy. Her technique is so perfectly insidious that the men work their hardest to please her to the detriment of each other and ultimately their own selves. She is able to perpetually keep the men in a state where they believe they need her and the hospitals help. Sex is used in the novel as a representation of total freedom. Its exercise is almost always portrayed by McMurphy who, through his general demeanor and newness to the hospital, is the most free, sexually, of any of the men. He is so free, that it has gotten him into trouble as he only seems to be able to act on impulse. Society is not able to deal with his complete abandon and he is eventually punished for it by having a piece of his brain removed. The rest of the men are all repressed mostly due to some problem they’ve had with the women in their lives. In fact, it is their inability to deal with women that brought them to the hospital in the first place. Women are portrayed throughout the book as the root of all men’s problems. Nurse Ratched is the penultimate figure of sexual repression. She does not acknowledge her femininity but hides it successfully, but for her bosom, beneath her sterile, pressed uniform. She is cold toward the men offering no real compassion and serves only to aggravate the men’s issues with women in general. Her power is finally stripped from her, quite literally, when McMurphy rips open her uniform revealing her breasts, the symbol of femininity; she is a woman after all. Limiting or removing freedom boils down to control. Those who restrict freedoms wish to exercise control upon those whose freedoms have been infringed. In the story, the restriction of all freedoms is personified and executed by the â€Å"Big Nurse,† Ms. Ratched. She symbolizes all forms of repression and is the face of the societal machine, whose purpose is to remove individuality and replace self-restraint with group shame. The implication Kesey suggests is that when a person isn’t free to move, free to think, or free to love then they cannot be a valuable, functioning member of society. Works Cited Kesey, Ken. One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest, a Novel. New York: Viking, 1962. Print.