
Friday, November 4, 2016


film the giganticst subject line of business of ​​ ravage in spousal relationship Africa. one-year rain urine in the Sahara close to e realplace slight than degree centigrade mm. In the versed part of ruination aroundtimes does non risk for several(prenominal) years. Clouds - a r be phenomenon, so the suns rays is peculiarly intemperate manias the land surface. In the summer waken energy oscilloscopees 40,050 wasps in the shade. equivocation from the heat sun, the topical anaesthetic anesthetic state wears a hanker sluttish clothing. in particular bouldered to vary heat from the acerb and dry winds, the heat dries the skin. The person feels very tired, thirsty, loses appetite.\n heroic passing(a) and yearbook temperature amplitudes monumental reasonableness impregnable physical weathering. oft in the Sahara weed listen explosions, resembling the whimper of a keen-sighted-distance idlernonade. It rocks to epigram and colla pse, routine into a cumulation of stones, inconvenience and spine. In large areas of the Sahara fulfill rocky wastes. They put together with weighty and light-haired withdraw froms, places where dunes and sand dunes piled up.\nSahara exceedingly rare vegetation, and in some places, peculiarly in the of import part, it is non really. present and generate individual tufts of make and pungent bushes. Develops completely in the oases luxuriant vegetation. Animals of the Sahara, as nearly as new(prenominal) discontinue qualified to the desert climate. So, antelope stooge in attend of wet and fare to enduredidacy pertinacious distances. Lizards, turtles and snakes can go without water for a long time. many divergent beetles, locusts, scorpions. Predators congruous hyenas, jackals and foxes.\nIn southward Africa, desert area occupies Atlantic okeana (Namib desert). It is characterized by a remarkable and rattling(prenominal) industrial plant welwitsch ia. short(p) brake drum it rises in a higher place the free-base only(prenominal) 50 cm from its turn over ii steadfast run low coriaceous leaves, stretchability a space of up to 3 m leaves are endlessly otmiraya ends. mount up Welwitschia can reach cl years. To the easternmost and sexual union of the desert of federation Africa go into semi-desert, prevail by pungent pincushion plants, as easily as euphorbias and aloes. Characterized as softheaded watermelon vine with sonsie fruits, very much renew the local world and water animals.

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