
Monday, February 18, 2019

My New Life with Wickham Essay -- Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen

I adjudge been living in London with Wickham for several months now, and, although none of my family would mark with this, I am glad that I ran extraneous with him, he likes me re anyy much and I care for him dearly. After on the whole, if I had asked for fathers permission to go and live with Wickham, without being married, surely he would deal said no without any hesitation. So I thought, if I cherished to be with Wickham, I had no choice but to run away with him. At the time, I thought, why non now? So I did. I love being here, in London, alone with my Wickham, some(a)times I do looking quite lonely though, because Wickham goes out gambling at least every other day I would say. I am in the process of stopping Wickham from gambling, he is so addicted. I campaign to tell him that he will never get a wagerer paying job if he keeps gambling, he will have overly bad a reputation. He keeps saying that he will chasten and stop, but he always ends up going off in the evening. He cannot control himself. It is terrible really. When he is out, and I am alone, I do think of my family, my sisters, mother and father, I do miss them all very very much. On the whole, I am relatively prosperous with my life though. One good thing is, even though I am the youngest of us 5 sisters, I am the first to be married So mother will be very high-minded of me. Now, I am the to the highest degree important one, I will be put first. We have only been married for one month, but I love it. Wickham does not seem to view things any differently, he hushed treats me exactly the same, it is as if nothing has changed. One strange thing close our wedding was Mr. Darcy being there, most surprising. When Mr. Darcy came to us one evening, offering to rise our whole wedding and pay for it all, I was so shocked. It... ...zzy would ever marry. I am quite jealous that Lizzy will be living in the grand estate of Pemberly, and she will be ever so rich, that I am glad of. Because myself and Wickham are in debt and there is no take to of us ever having our testify house, so hopefully we will be given help financially so we can have our own house. If we are very lucky, Darcy might help Wickham with some business of some kind. I do not see why they should keep all their money to themselves, that would be ever so selfish of them. I feel that I am the luckiest girl alive, I am married to the finest, most handsome man in the world. I imagine every charwoman must be envious of Wickham being at my side. I could not have married a finer man, and I could not have made my sisters more envious of me. Kitty and Mary do not have a chance of finding a man as good and kind as I have. Life could not be better.

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