
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Breast Implants Essay -- essays research papers fc

Breast ImplantsIn the early 1980s white meat implants began gaining popularity, but they declargon been on the market since the early 1960s. They were invented by elastic surgeons Cronin and Gerow. Dow Corning began manufacturing them commercially in 1962. Today over two million women surrender undergone pectus augmentation surgery. There are umteen blackball consequences that may move up from the surgery, and in that respect is always the risk of infection or rupture. When beginning my research on the subject I assumed there would be a plethora of information. I was shocked to find pop that there wasnt. silicone polymer breast implants behave been around for 40 years and there have been very few studies on their consequences, and possible effects on a womans body. The Food and Drug Administration has never clear the use of silicone implants. It is a surprising fact, because silicone implants are unagitated cosmos used today, but only by women who agree to be in a study of their safety. The politics surrounding breast augmentation are sketchy for lack of a better word. They have been promoted as being safe, yet their safety has never been fully questioned. While looking online, I found a variety of websites on the subject. There were many websites from the pliable surgery industry promoting breast implants as being safe. Then there were the websites like http//www.siliconeholocaust.org, this was by far the most disturbing site I have ever seen. There were dozens of pictures of real women who had their lives ruined by breast implants. If these, and other women had the little information that is available on the subject, they may have opted not to have the surgery because of the unnecessary consequences they now suffer. every(prenominal) woman has her own reasons behind her decision to get breast implants. slightly women have undergone mastectomies, and get breast implants in order to feel ruler again. According to the home(a) Womens Health Network (http//www.womenshealthnetwork.org) women who have lumpectomies have the same survival rate of women who have mastectomies as a military issue of breast crabby person. They concluded that up to 40 percent of women who were diagnosed with breast cancer underwent unnecessary mastectomies. These mastectomies, whether necessary or not may lead to women to undergo breast augmentation surgery. Other women have always felt that their breasts were too small, and out of proportion ... ...o have had breast implants often cannot get health indemnity because they have an increased risk of illness. If a woman is able to concord health insurance she may have to pay a higher(prenominal) premium because of her past plastic surgery history.After learning of the negative consequences that may, and probably will arise from breast implants, it is surprising that so many women are still getting them. It is major surgery and the benefits of having larger breast is not worth the unnecessary chance of death or adept pain for life. More work needs to be done on the study of breast implants because women need to know what they are putting in their bodies. Breast implant manufacturers need to be held responsible, and plastic surgeon should be required to make sure every woman is fully certified of all the possible side effects before she has any eccentric of surgery done.Works Cited Brown University, Department of Biology and Medicine. 14 Feb. 2003 . Darrick Antell Homepage. 15 Feb. 2003 . Department of Health. 15 Feb. 2003 . National Center For Policy (CPR) For Women & Families. 18 Nov. 2002 . National Womens Health Network. 3 Mar. 2003 .Silicone Gel Breast Implants. 14 Feb. 2003 .

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